[1] Andrew Kitching and Sheena Starky, Payday Loan Companies in Canada: Determining the Public Interest (Ottawa: Parliamentary Information and Research Service, 2006) at 3.

[2] R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, s. 347.

[3] In particular, the Consumer Measures Committee, a federal-provincial-territorial working group has been actively assessing and consulting on this issue. Further information is available at www.cmcweb.ca.

[4] Ministry of Government Services, Policy and Consumer Protection Division, Consumer Protection in the Payday Lending Sector (Toronto: 2007), available online at http://www.gov.on.ca/mgs/en/AbtMin/126611.html

[5] O. Reg. 17/05, ss. 53-71.

[6] Les Études de Marché Créatec, General Survey on Consumer Financial Awareness, Attitudes, and Behaviours (Ottawa: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, 2006).

[7] Iain Ramsay, Access to Credit in the Alternative Consumer Credit Market (Office of Consumer Affairs, Industry Canada and the Ministry of the Attorney General, 2000) at 5.

[8] Ipsos-Reid, Public Experience with Financial Services and Awareness of the FCAC (Ottawa: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, 2005).

[9] Environics Research Group, Perceptions and Attitudes Towards the Payday Loan Industry: Payday Loan Users Compared with the General Population (Canadian Payday Loans Association, 2005).

[10] Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, What You Should Know About Low-Cost Accounts, available online at www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca.

[11] Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector, Background Paper #4: Canadian’s Expectations and Corporate Conduct (Ottawa: Department of Finance, 1998) at 24.

[12] S.O.R./2002-39.

[13] Task Force, supra note 11 at 21.

[14] For the most recent figures, see Les Études de Marché Créatec, supra note 6.

[15] Jerry Buckland, Social and Economic Factors to Consider in Setting Government Cheque Cashing Fees in Manitoba (Winnipeg: Manitoba Public Utilities Board, 2006) at 9.

[16] Task Force, supra note 11, at 22.

[17] Michael Grant, Canada’s Social Payment Disbursement System and the Financial Services Sector (Ottawa: Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector, 1998) at 12.

[18] Ramsay, supra note 7 at 5, citing J. Murray Smith, Street Youth and Banking: A Needs Assessment for Banking Services for Youth, (City of Toronto, December 1996)

[19] Ipsos-Reid, supra note 8.

[20] Buckland, supra note 15 at 13; also see Grant, supra note 17, at 28.

[21] Canadian Bankers Association, “Taking A Closer Look: Access to Basic Banking Services”, August 2006, available online at www.cba.ca.

[22] S.O.R./2003-184.

[23] Task Force Report, supra note 11 at 29; see also the “Mystery Shopping” surveys prepared for the FCAC, available at www.fcac-acfc.gov.ca.

[24] Buckland, supra note 15, at 12.

[25] Task Force, supra note 11, at 37.

[26] Environics Research Group, supra note 9. This survey found that 92 per cent were satisfied with the way they were treated by customer service representatives and 87 per cent were satisfied with the overall customer service experience.

[27] Buckland, supra note 15, at 13; and Grant, supra note 17, at 24 and 32.

[28] National Council of Welfare, Banking and Poor People: Talk is Cheap (National Council of Welfare, 1998) at 1.

[29] Task Force, supra note 11, at 29.

[30] Les Études de Marché Créatec, supra note 6.

[31] For further discussion of issues and approaches in advancing financial capability, see Government of Canada, Why Financial Capability Matters (Ottawa: Policy Research Initiative, 2005)

[32] For a thorough discussion of the benefits, costs and challenges of direct deposit programs for social benefits payments, see Grant, supra note 17.

[33] Canadian Bankers Association, supra note 21.

[34] Consumer Protection Act (Government Cheque Cashing Fees), S.M. 2006, c. 17, in force October 1, 2007.

[35] Bank Act, S.C. 1991, c. 46, s. 458(4), Access to Basic Banking Regulations, S.O.R./2003-184, ss. 6-10.

[36] Information available on the FCAC website at www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca

[37] Consumer Protection Act, S.Q. 1978, c. 9, s. 251.

[38] Ramsay, supra note 7 at 7.

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