The LCO invites your comments on the issues raised by this Paper. In particular, the LCO would like to hear from you on the following questions:

General Consultation Questions

· Between the options described above (the overarching or the specific project), which project do you believe the LCO should undertake in 2009?

· What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of the two project options described above?

· Do you have additional comments in response to each project option’s “Questions to consider” section?

· Do you believe that the project options respond to the majority of family justice system users? If you do, how would you describe this majority? Does the majority in society correspond to the majority of family justice system users?

· Do the proposed project options as described respect the specific impact that family law problems have on different groups?

· Would it be preferable to focus on a more specific group of family justice system users? For example, should the LCO focus on the possibility of creating specific dispute resolution mechanisms amongst Aboriginal communities in Ontario?

· Are there any considerations missing from this paper that would be important to take into account in choosing a project?

· What consultation tools would you like to see the LCO using for the family law consultation process? How can the LCO better reach you?

· How do you think the LCO can improve access to the consultation process across Ontario?

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