There’s been much talk about poor leadership and wasteful spending with respect to eHealth in Ontario, but there has been little discussion about the fundamental issues associated with e-Health. Do you know who owns electronic health records? Is it the hospital? The doctor? The government? The patient?

Aside from privacy and ethics, electronic health records concerns governance issues relating to intellectual property rights. Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino, Director of the Intellectual Property Law & Technology Program at Osgoode Hall Law School (IP Osgoode) and OHLS Law Commission of Ontario Scholar in Residence, is working on a project to consider intellectual property, privacy and ethics issues related to electronic health records in association with the LCO .

As part of the consultation in this project, experts and professionals working in the areas of health, privacy and intellectual property law will begin to address these governance questions central to developing a transparent, efficient and ethically functioning eHealth system, at a symposium on Thursday, January 28, 2010, from 9:15am to 3:30 pm, in downtown Toronto.

By invitation only.

For further information please contact:
Rex Shoyama,
Visiting Professor and Assistant Director
IP Osgoode Intellectual Property Law & Technology Program,
Tel: 416.650.8449 or

2009-12-07T17:43:45+00:00December 7th, 2009|English, Events|