Newest project launched in May
The LCO is wading into the complex and emotional end-of-life debate with the launch of its newest project. The Improving the Last Stages of Life project seeks to explore the role of the law in end-of-life care.
“We’ve seen a shift from an acute healthcare model focused on prolonging life, to a need for comfort and care that emphasizes quality of life, and physical, social and spiritual well-being,” explains research lawyer Sarah Mason-Case. “The question is whether or not we have a legal system to support those changing needs.”
Since May, Mason-Case has completed a legislation and policy review, and reached out to more than 60 individuals and organizations to determine where the LCO might best be of assistance. The results of her analysis will be presented later this fall in the form of a project scoping document.
“Our aim is to provide clarity and coherence in the law,” says Mason-Case. “There should be a standard by which everybody is able to receive quality care in the last stages of life.”