2022-2025 Mandate, Priorities and Strategic Plan

Our mandate and priorities for 2022-2025.


2022-2026 Foundational Agreement

This document establishes the LCO and is signed by our funders and supporters.


Good Governance Policies

Our policies on the best practices of corporate governance for the LCO’s Board of Governors


Copyright and Attribution Policy

This policy applies to all research, papers, publications and other documents created for the LCO by all persons paid and unpaid.


Policy on Retaining Consultants

This policy applies to external consultants who provide the LCO with expertise on projects or provide professional services for the LCO.


Accessibility Policy

This policy reflects the commitment the LCO has to ensuring accommodation and accessibility for members of the public who participate in LCO activities


Use of Information, Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

Although the LCO is not subject to privacy and information legislation, we believe we should be as clear as possible about how we use the information provided to us by the public and how we protect sensitive personal information.


Language and Translation Policy

This policy is reflective of the bilingual character of Ontario’s justice system and in recognition of the pluralist character of Ontario. This policy is subject to the LCO’s financial and personnel resources.