Law Commission of Ontario Begins Family Justice Public Consultations


TORONTO, September 17, 2009 – How do people find help when they have a family problem? What services do they need? These are the questions at the heart of the Law Commission of Ontario’s project on the family law system, “Best Practices at Family Justice System Entry Points: Users’ Needs and Workers’ Responses in the Justice System”. The LCO today began public consultations in this project with the release of a Consultation Paper with questions to guide feedback.

When facing a family challenge or crisis, people need a quick and effective response to their situation. Prevention and early intervention are crucial steps in helping Ontarians avoid increasing the stress and financial consequences of their family problems.

The LCO invites professionals, community groups and members of the public at large to share their experiences as users of the family justice system and as providers of family law services. They will have until December 1, 2009 to provide input through consultation events announced on its website or arranged with interested groups. The LCO also strongly encourages those interested in family justice issues to contact the Project Head to arrange dates for consultation meetings. Consultations will be conducted in ways to suit every one’s needs.

The LCO will prepare and release its final report and recommendations in fall 2010.

Dr. Patricia Hughes, Executive Director of the LCO, said, “We were pleased to hear the recent announcement from the Attorney General, the Honourable Chris Bentley, about the $150 million increase to legal aid, including a portion allocated to family process initiatives and poverty law clinics. We look forward to contributing the expertise we develop in our own project to the Attorney General’s initiatives.”

Launched in September 2007, the LCO operates independently of government to recommend law reforms to enhance access to justice.


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Contact:  Julie Lassonde, Research Lawyer
Law Commission of Ontario
(416) 650-8232    JLassonde@lco-cdo.org