A. Retrofitting the Regulatory Offences Sentencing Toolbox: a New Set of Sentencing Options for a New Statement of Sentencing Purposes and Principles
1. Introduction

Almost from the time of implementation in 1980 of the Provincial Offences Act,[963] concerns have been expressed that the sentencing options provided under the legislation were unduly limited.[964] This was noted, for example, in the Law Commission of Canada’s study paper in 1985, entitled, Sentencing in environmental cases, where it was stated that due to “the wide range of offenders and contemplated by environmental laws,” there was a need for “a broader range of penalties and a wider variety of sentencing tools.”[965] This view has been echoed, in relation to all manner of regulatory offences by Archibald et al,[966] Verhulst,[967] and most recently the Ontario Law Reform Commission.[968] The issue is not unique to Ontario.[969] An enhanced use of probation, restitution and community service orders, among other penalty provisions, it is contended, would better equip courts with the necessary tools to sanction offenders who fail to achieve the regulatory standard, and are likely to return to the regulated activity following sentencing.

On the other hand, it is clear that the stated intention of regulatory procedural statutes, such as the Provincial Offences Act of Ontario, is to enact a procedure that “reflects the distinction between provincial offences and criminal offences.”[970] Hence, the more limited use of sentencing dispositions is in keeping with this fundamental difference. Indeed, the Provincial Offences Act, unlike the Criminal Code,[971] does not contain penalty provisions which may be imposed for provincial offences, other than a general penalty, where no such punishment is set out in a provincial statute.[972] Moreover, the few offences it does include are “primarily procedural in nature”,[973] such as failing to appear in court,[974] making a false statement,[975] contempt of court[976] and publishing the name of a young person.[977] Instead, the Act “creates a number of procedures to govern sentencing, and to govern the collection of fines,”[978] the latter being the most common form of punishment imposed by courts respecting the enforcement of public welfare statutes.[979]

But with the enactment of a new statement of sentencing purposes and principles for regulatory offences, it is essential that courts are equipped with the necessary sentencing tools so as to give effect to these new measures. Otherwise, the goal of achieving compliance with the regulatory standard, and changing the behaviour of the regulated party, through sentencing, will be frustrated. Stated shortly, courts will not be able to play an effective role in the regulatory cycle unless they are given the sentencing tools with which this may be done. While a detailed examination of the scope of all such sentencing provisions is beyond the scope of this paper, it is appropriate to at least consider, in this concluding section, how the regulatory offences sentencing toolbox might be updated and equipped, in order to best implement a new statement of sentencing purposes and principles for regulatory offences.

2. Provincial Offences Legislation Sentencing Provisions

All provinces have provincial offences legislation in one form or the other. The majority, as exemplified by Ontario’s Provincial Offences Act [980]and the British Columbia Offence Act,[981] contain discrete sentencing provisions of their own. However, some provinces simply provide for the summary conviction procedure set out in the Criminal Code[982] to apply, including punishment.[983] Typically, provincial offences sentencing provisions differ dramatically with those contained in the Criminal Code, particularly ones that have been added more recently, and which equip courts with broader and more innovative sentencing options, as in the case of conditional sentences for individuals,[984] and probationary terms for organizations.[985]

The sentencing options that are available under the Provincial Offences Act of Ontario are essentially these: fines, probation and imprisonment, or a combination thereof, such as a fine and period of imprisonment, or a suspended sentence and term of probation.[986] Discharges are not available, as there is no record of convictions under the Act.[987] In particular, a number of sentencing provisions deal with fine enforcement and ancillary issues, such as surcharges,[988] the victims’ justice fund account,[989] fine due dates[990] and extension of time for payment of fines,[991]regulations for work credits for fines,[992] civil enforcement of fines[993] and default of payment of fines.[994] Probation may be imposed for up to 2 years[995]; there is a penalty for breaching the terms of a probation order.[996] Where imprisonment is ordered, that is, the statute creating the offence provides for such a penalty, such as the offence of careless driving under the  Highway Traffic Act (Ont.),[997]  where there is a minimum fine of $200 and not more than $1,000, or imprisonment for up to 6 months, or both,[998] under the Provincial Offences Act the court may suspend the passing of sentence and place the offender on probation,[999] or, where less than 90 days’ imprisonment is imposed, order that the sentence be served on an intermittent basis, such as over weekends.[1000]

In crafting such sentences, however, a number of questions may be posed. Did the court take into account how the breach of the regulatory standard impacted the victim? How would the victim, if he/she so wished, convey such information to the court? If such information were made available to the court, how should it play a role in the court’s disposition, for example, might it support a term of probation, or influence the quantum of fine, or even be reflected in a custodial disposition as where a denunciatory sentence is warranted, but the victim attests to post-offence conduct by the offender mitigating the harm done? Community service, restitution or compensation, are examples of other matters that the court might wish to consider in crafting its sentence, especially where the regulated party is likely to continue participating in the regulatory activity following sentencing. It is to these sentencing measures, and related provisions, that consideration will now be given.

3. Victim Impact Statements

Although the breach of the regulatory standard may cause harm, or potential for harm, to a person or the community, there is no formalized mechanism under the Provincial Offences Act[1001] to provide victims of regulatory offences with the opportunity to convey such information to courts, thereby depriving the judge or justice of the peace at the time of sentencing of hearing how the commission of the regulatory offence has impacted the party most directly impacted by the regulated offender’s conduct. This contrasts to the Criminal Code[1002] where there are detailed provisions which allow the victim of a crime[1003] to file before the court a victim impact statement, in prescribed written form,[1004] “describing the harm done to, or loss suffered by, the victim arising from the commission of the offence.”[1005] Such a victim also has the right to read his/her statement to the court;[1006] the court, in turn, has the obligation to inquire of the prosecutor, prior to sentencing, if the victim has had the opportunity to prepare a victim impact statement,[1007] and m