This Consultation Report marks the closing of the preliminary stage of this Project. The LCO will proceed with this Project on the basis of the principles and themes identified in this Report. The LCO has now commenced the Research phase of this Project.

The LCO released a Call for Research Papers in December 2008, and will be funding selected research projects related to these themes and principles. As well, the LCO will continue its internal research.

Research papers will be made available on the LCO website as they are completed. Based on this research, the LCO will release an Interim Report in the fall of 2009, setting out proposed directions and key issues, and soliciting feedback from stakeholders and the public. Drafting of the Interim Report will commence in the summer of 2009. This will be the basis for public consultations, prior to the release of a Final Report during the second half of 2010.

The LCO welcomes questions and comments with respect to this Project.

Enquiries should be directed to: 

Lauren Bates
Staff Lawyer
Law Commission of Ontario/Commission du droit de l’Ontario
276 York Lanes, York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
T: (416) 650-8406
F:(416) 736-5736