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Final Report Table of Contents

Executive Summary
I. Introduction
II. Taking the Circumstances of Older Adults into Account
III. Addressing Ageism and Advancing Substantive Equality: Developing a Principles-Based Approach
IV. Identifying Ageism and Paternalism in the Operation of the Law
V. Deepening Understanding of the Implementation Gap: Access to the Law
VI. Applying the Framework: The Example of the Law Regarding Home Care Supports
VII. Next Steps
VIII. Recommendations
Appendix A: A Framework for the Law as It Affects Older Adults
Appendix B: Experts and Organizations Participating in the Project
Appendix C: Consultation Questionnaire: Summary of Results
Appendix D: List of Acronyms


Framework Document

A Framework for the Law as It Affects Older Adults


Report Documents

About the LCO’s Project
Quick Facts
Press Release