NOTE: The Consultation Phase of this Project has now ended. Thank you to everyone who provided input.
The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) is interested in your comments on our Draft Framework for the Law as it Affects Older Adults. We are hoping to hear from all those individuals and organizations who may either use or be affected by the Draft Framework, including policy-makers, community organizations, service-providers and older adults themselves.
We hope that you can tell us:
Whether the principles on which the Draft Framework is based are meaningful, and can help improve the laws as they affect older persons;
What you would like legislators and policy-makers to understand about the circumstances and experiences of older persons when they are making or implementing laws or policies;
What policies or practices could be put into place to make it easier for older persons to access and enforce their legal rights; and
Any suggestions for making the framework easier to use or more effective.
If you want more information about the Draft Framework, you can refer to the accompanying Interim Report.
We will protect the confidentiality of the information that you send us, in accordance with our Commitment to Confidentiality.
This public consultation will be supplemented by discussions with focus groups and stakeholders by invitation.