- Sandra Carpenter, Centre for Independent Living Toronto
- Nancy Cooper, Ontario Long Term Care Association
- Julie Darnay, Quality Hospice Palliative Care Coalition of Ontario & Hospice Palliative Care Ontario
- Martha Forestell, Ontario Medical Association (until July 2016)
- Professor Joan Gilmour, Osgoode Hall Law School
- Professor Michelle Giroux, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
- Doris Grinspun and Tim Lenartowych, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario
- Mark Handelman, Whaley Estate Litigation
- Cathy Hecimovich, Central West Community Care Access Centre
- Pia Hundal, Ontario Bar Association
- Pearl Ing, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (until March 2016)
- Vena Persaud, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (from April 2016)
- Janet Kasperski, Ontario Psychological Association
- Denise Marshall, Division of Palliative Care, McMaster University
- Dena Maule, Ontario Caregiver Coalition
- Ada Maxwell-Alleyne, Ontario Medical Association (from August 2016)
- Laura Metrick, Ministry of the Attorney General (until August 2016)
- Jeff Myers, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Palliative Care Consult Team
- Imam Abdul Hai Patel, Ontario Multifaith Federation
- Kathleen Scott, Ontario Personal Support Worker Association
- Sara Urowitz, Ontario Palliative Care Network Secretariat (until April 2016)
- Tara Walton, Ontario Palliative Care Network Secretariat (from May 2016)
- Sara van der Vliet, Health Boards Secretariat
- Frank Wagner, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto
- Judith Wahl, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
Appendix C: Advisory Group Memberslco_admin2017-05-29T01:20:46+00:00