The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) is interested in your comments on our Vulnerable Workers and Precarious Work Interim Report. We are hoping to hear from workers, employers, community groups, worker or employer advocacy organizations, academics, lawyers, government policy-makers and all others with expertise in this area of the law or familiar with the experiences of vulnerable workers.

Please tell us:

  • What you would like legislators and other policy-makers to understand about vulnerable workers and/or the impacts of and ways to reduce precarious work when they make or implement laws, policies or practices,
  • Whether the recommendations proposed in the Interim Report would be effective and feasible in addressing the issues faced by vulnerable workers and would realistically  improve their circumstances, and
  • Your suggestions on how to make the LCO’s recommendations more responsive to the needs of those who find themselves vulnerable to precarious work (that is, part-time, temporary or casual work with low wages, few or no benefits, little job security and minimal control over work conditions).

For more information about the Interim Report and the topic of vulnerable workers and precarious work, you can refer to the accompanying Background and Consultation papers, available online at

Share your feedback:

1. Send us a written submission by mail, fax or email:

Law Commission of Ontario
Vulnerable Workers and Precarious Work Project
2032 Ignat Kaneff Building, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Fax: (416) 650-8418

2. Call us to arrange a time to talk about your experiences, ideas and comments in person or on the telephone:

Local:   (416) 650-8406
Toll-free: 1 (866) 950-8406
TTY:  1 (877) 650-8082


Accessibility and Accommodations: The LCO is committed to accessibility and to accommodating the needs of persons with disabilities, in accordance with our Accessibility Policy. Please let us know if you require alternative formats for any of our documents, or require accommodations in order to provide your feedback to us.

Confidentiality: Although we may quote from your submission, we will protect the confidentiality of any personal information that you send us, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please advise us if you do not wish us to quote from or refer to your submission.

Deadline for feedback: Monday, October 1, 2012.